About Attorneys’ Realty

Attorneys’ Realty: Your Trusted Real Estate Legal Advisor

It is sometimes shocking for people either selling or buying real estate how much real estate agents/brokers (hereafter “agents”) charge for their services. Especially given the drastic difference in experience, education, and professionalism between agents throughout the industry. A large number of agents lack the experience, education, and professionalism to justify this cost to the consumers they service.


Admittedly, there are some real estate agents who possess these qualities, but unfortunately, they make up a very small portion of the market. Considering this, it is challenging, to say the least, to find an exception to the rule and actually hire an agent who possesses the skills needed to sell or buy real estate for you.


Real estate attorneys are involved in many more transactions than agents. Real estate attorneys have devoted their entire careers to structuring transactions and successfully closing them. This experience is crucial when looking for a professional to represent you when selling or buying real estate. It is also an experience that almost no agent possesses since it isn’t really part of their job description. Believe it or not, many consumers will hire a real estate attorney in addition to paying an agent to ensure their transaction is handled correctly.

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At Attorneys’ Realty, we only have licensed real estate attorneys that are also dually licensed as Florida Real Estate Agents. We call them “Attorney Agents”. Our attorney agents have an abundance of experience, education and professionalism. As licensed attorneys, we are held to a much higher standard by our regulatory agency, The Florida Bar. Licensed agents that are not licensed attorneys are regulated by the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). The DBPR certainly does what it can, given its resources, but in now way rises the level of scrutiny provided by the Florida Bar.


Additionally, in order to become a licensed attorney, one has to obtain a bachelor’s degree, a juris doctorate (law degree) and pass the bar exam. This process takes seven to eight years on a full-time basis. The only requirement to become an agent is to be 18 years of age, graduate high school or obtain a GED, take a 63-hour course and pass a fairly straight forward albeit brief exam.

Our attorney agents continually study the real estate market(s) they work in, thereby being well-versed in real estate values and market conditions in their geographic area(s). This is crucial when determining how to price a property to sell or place a value on the property when purchasing. In fact, market knowledge is the most essential skill when it comes to selling and buying real estate. The second most important factor in selling or buying real estate is how to structure a transaction and get it closed. This is where our attorney agent’s experience as a real estate attorney is so essential.


By choosing an attorney agent with Attorneys’ Realty, you get everything one of those few good agents has, plus all the other items discussed for the same cost. Our fee structure is the same as that of any other real estate brokerage. We do not charge anything extra to also act as your real estate attorney throughout the transaction. When you hire Attorneys’ Realty, you will have an agent and an attorney from the beginning to the end.